Crisis Proof

How to prepare for the worst day of your business life

Crisis Proof Jonathan Hemus Amazon Best Seller

Crisis Proof: How to prepare for the worst day of your business life

Mishandled crises can devastate businesses, lives and livelihoods.

Based on Jonathan Hemus’s twenty-five years’ experience in the front line of crisis management, Crisis Proof is an Amazon best seller and was named as Specialist Business Book of the Year in the 2021 British Business Book Awards. It will enable you to sleep peacefully at night, knowing your organisation is ready to protect its business and reputation, whatever the world may throw at it.


Through this book, Jonathan Hemus reveals the secrets of protecting business reputation under fire.
Aoife Clarke, Head of Communications, Lidl Ireland

It is written for busy executives who, whilst not full-time crisis managers, have been made responsible for preparing their business for a crisis. It can be a daunting task for someone whose ‘day job’ could be head of communications, business continuity, legal, health and safety, HR, security or risk management.

Crisis Proof gives you the knowledge, insights and framework to successfully lead a programme of crisis management planning, training and exercising that will ensure your business does the right thing when crisis strikes to not only protect business reputation, but also the lives and livelihoods of all those affected by an incident.

Do yourself a favour. Read this book. Learn from it. Take a giant step forward in ensuring peace of mind for everyone who is depending on you
Gus Whitcomb, Head of Business Resilience, Cathay Pacific
This book gives busy executives the knowledge and confidence to protect business reputation on the worst days of their business lives
Anik Michaud, Group Director, Corporate Relations, Anglo American

What Crisis Proof will enable you to do

Read this book to ensure you succeed in your role as your organisation’s crisis management champion by:

• Gaining confidence and clarity about the requirements to make your company crisis proof
• Learning how to create and embed a crisis-resistant culture
• Understanding the real purpose of crisis management plans and critical content
• Creating a high performing crisis management team
• Discovering the critical characteristics of a successful crisis response


Jonathan Hemus is exceptionally well qualified to write this book. Act on what he says and you won’t go far wrong
Dennis Flynn, OBE, Founder, Crisis Solutions

The requirement to plan for crisis has never been greater. If you’re unsure where to start, I can think of no better place than this book
Steve Parkinson, Former Head of Operational Resilience, Sky

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